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CANDE Developers and Contributors


Dr. Michael Katona has been and remains the primary author and key architect of the CANDE program from its inception in 1972 to present.  Over the years, many engineers have made significant contributions in the theory and/or algorithms embodied in the program. Their contributions are acknowledged in chronological order in the table below.

 Contributors to CANDE from 1972 to present


Affiliation Date and Contribution to CANDE program

Leonard R. Hermann

University of California at Davis 1972-73: Development of high-order, triangular and quadrilateral and continuum elements used in CANDE, and incremental construction concepts

John L. Crawford

Naval Civil Engineering Lab 1974-76: Concepts and algorithms for CANDE's automated mesh generation features and error checking.

James M. Smith

Naval Civil Engineering Lab  1974-76: Algorithms for CANDE's Level 2 Pipe mesh and participation in User Manual development.

Jay R.    Allgood

Naval Civil Engineering Lab  1974-76: Theoretical equations for elastic buckling of buried conduits

Pedro D.  Vittes

University of Notre Dame (MS student) 1978-80: Improved algorithm for modeling nonlinear concrete pipe-type and participation in developing Level-2 box mesh along with experimental verification.

Chee-Hai  Lee

University of Notre Dame (MS student) 1978-79: Independent evaluation of the Duncan soil model with new experimental data and numerically testing and enhancing the Duncan soil model algorithm.

Adel Y. Akl

University of Notre Dame (PhD student) 1981-84: Experimental testing of slotted joints for long-span culverts and co-development of a slotted joint element to simulate the beneficial behavior.

Samuel C. Musser

Syro Steel Company 1987-89: Developed subroutine for Level 2 arch mesh and contributed to developing a unified user manual for CANDE-89.

Ernest T. Selig

University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1988-89: Extended the Duncan soil model with the hyperbolic  bulk modulus function, called the Duncan/Selig model and performed hydrostatic tri-axial tests.

Mark Mlynarski

Michael Baker Jr. Inc.
2005-07: Developed the Graphical User Interface for pre- and post processing and assembly of CANDE-2007.
2011: Upgrade CANDE to 64-bit operating systems.

Timothy J. McGrath

Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Inc. 2005-07: Formulated LRFD design criteria for pipe materials and produced CANDE-2007 tutorial manual.

Michael G. Katona

MGK Consulting 1972-2024: Starting with CANDE as his PhD dissertation in 1976, Katona continues to work on all aspects of the CANDE series of programs including CANDE-1776, CANDE-1989, CANDE-2007, CANDE-2013, CANDE-2015, CANDE-2017, CANDE-2019, CANDE-2022, CANDE-2024.