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CANDE: Culvert ANalysis and DEsign -- HOME PAGE
- Structural analysis program for buried culverts and structures -













CANDE is a special purpose, 2D finite element computer program developed for the structural design and analysis of soil bridges, buried culverts and underground structures. CANDE is applicable to all cross-sectional shapes and materials including corrugated metal, reinforced concrete and thermoplastics. Further Information on CANDE's overall scope and user community is provided in the followings two links.

CANDE was first introduced in 1976 under sponsorship of the Federal Highway Administration. FHWA continued sponsoring upgrades in CANDE's capabilities until 2007 whereupon the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) sponsored significant enhancements in CANDE including a graphical user interface. This version of CANDE called CANDE=2007 with 2011 upgrade is maintained by the Transportation Research Board at the TRB website

Since 2011, industries and institutions have continued to sponsor new modeling capabilities and advancements in CANDE including the development of the AASHTO-sponsored companion program called CANDE Tool Box, which is very useful for load rating vehicles traveling over buried culverts. As of 2024, the CANDE program, the CANDE Tool Box and the CANDE Tutorial of Applications have been significantly enhanced.

CANDE Newsletter #11 describes the new capabilities and enhancements in the CANDE-2024 suite of programs and updated documentation since the previous CANDE-2022 versions. The transfer-link below provides access to freely download the suite of updated components; (1) 2024 CANDE program and manuals, (2) 2024 CANDE Tool Box program and manual, and (3) 2024 CANDE Tutorial of Applications.  


For those interested in the history of CANDE's development including government sponsors, research institutions and individual developers, the following two links provide a complete background.



For further information not found on the website, contact Michael G Katona.
