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Registered CANDE users and supporters are listed alphabetically in the table below. To join the CANDE user community, please send your name, affiliation, job title, email address and areas of interest to mgkatona@comcast.net. If desired, you may include a URL link to your own web pages.

  • Registered users receive emails whenever there is an update in the CANDE computer program, information on a new modeling technique, or any significant development in soil-structure interaction.
  • Also by means of the information provided in the table, registered users are visible to members of the soil-structure interaction community for networking and information-sharing opportunities.

Registered CANDE users are listed below -- More information about individuals whose last name are underlined can be found by clicking the last name to link to their web page.



Name: Last, First

Affiliation & Job-title  andaa       


Areas of Interest

Abolmaali, Ali
University of Texas at Arlington, Professor of Civil Engineering
Numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction, modeling of cracks & inelastic behavior
Affortunato, Massimo
Consultant, Mechanics Engineer
Akoh-Arrey, Ken
Arizona DOT, Chief Drainage Engineer,
All areas of CANDE
Albert, Wahid
New York State DOT, Director of Structures Design Bureau
Reinforced concrete box culverts and reinforced concrete 3-sided culverts
Alzabeebee, Saif
University of Birmingham,
PhD student
Concrete pipes, bedding factor, flexible pipes and box culverts  
Barnes, Kent
Montana DOT, Bridge Engineer
General and steel culvert stability
Bartell, Elizabeth
Reynolds Smith and Hills Inc, Water Resources Engineer 
Bass, Brent
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., Staff II - Structures
Beakley, Josh
American Concrete Pipe Assoc., Director of Technical Services
General and reinforced concrete pipe

Beaver, Jesse

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
Senior Project Manage
JLBeaver@sgh.com All aspects of soil-structure interaction  
Befikadu, Elizabeth 
AI Engineers, Inc.
Principal Engineer
General interes
Bell,  Wayne 
BELL Engineering
Consulting engineer
General; buried pipe design and tunneling
Bhatt, Hemendra
Massachusetts DOT, Assistant Bridge Engineer for Bridge Rating and Overloads Permits 
Corrugated metal and reinforced concrete for long span arches, and box and pipe culverts

Bordeaux, Kellie

Oregon DOT, 
Graduate Engineer


Botas, Patricia
Botas Engineering Inc, President
Corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, thermoplastic, long spans and box culverts
Brennan, James
Kansas DOT, Assistant Geotechnical Engineer
Brockenbrough, Roger
RL.Brockenbrough & Assoc. Inc, President
Flexible culverts corrugated metal and plastic
Brown, Christie
Tennessee DOT, Roadway Specialist Supervisor 1
Box culverts and pipe-like culverts 
Brown, Eric
Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Engineer
Brown, Sophie
Oregon DOT
Retaining Wall Program Engineer
Soil-structure interaction, FEM, and LRFD analysis & design

Burger, Emily

New York state DOT, Engineer

healthnaturo1@gmail.com General  
Burke, Andrew
Oldcastle Precast, Senior Design Engineer
RCP Pipe, Long span arches, three-sided bridges, custom shapes  and boxes.
Burton, Antonio
Baskerville Donovan, Inc.  Structural Engineer
General interest
Carfagno, Michael
CONTECH Construction Products Inc., Vice President Engineering Development
Reinforced concrete, long span arches, general 
Castaneda-Aguilar, Nestor
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Staff II – Structures
Ceary, Micah
Brudis & Associates, Inc
Director Structure Division
 Long span arches
Chaluvadi, Rao
Pennsylvania DOT, Project Manager
Concrete culverts
Chavez, Edmundo
Transports Ministry of Quebec Canada 
Project Engineer
Reinforced concrete box culverts. 
Chen, Qiming
Louisiana DOT
Engineer 4
Design and load rating of all types of culverts
Cherenzia, Damon
Caltrans,  Culvert Inspection Program Coordinator
General, Corrugated Metal Pipes, Thermoplastic,  Reinforced Concrete 
Choung, Bao
Connecticut DOT, Transportation Engineer 2
Reinforced concrete, box culverts, three-sided frames
Clark, Michael
St. Clair County Road CommissionCounty Bridge Engineer
Design and load rate all types of culvert and bridge structures  
Click, Lance
Tennessee DOT, Engineer - Operations Specialist 
Cole, Kerry
IMH Products Inc, Sales Manager
Corrugated steel products and manufacturing
Conow, Oliver
C-Tec, Customer Support Manager
General and instrumentation for soil-structure measurements
Cook, Ray
Utah DOT, Senior Design Engineer
Box culverts and three-sided structures
Corrales, Jorge
Florida DOT, Drainage Designer
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Structures Staff-I

DelloRusso, Steve

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., Senior Staff II


Reinforced concrete pipe, boxes, and arches 

Desai, Niranjan 
Engineering Consultants Inc, Project Engineer    
Reinforced concrete box and pipe culverts 
Dilnesahu, Tamene
Maryland Department of Environment, Regulatory and Compliance Engineer 
Domonell, Eric
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Staff-1 Structural Engineer
All aspects of soil-structure interaction 
Duan, Carl      
Caltrans,  Senior Bridge Engineer and Specialist 

Eberle, Matthew

EcoAID Pty Ltd,       Technical Director


Buried Thermoplastic Chambers and Galleries

Engindeniz, Murat
SGH, Senior Staff I-Structures
General, corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, and thermoplastic, all shapes
Flournoy, Tom
Alabama DOT, Bridge Hydraulic Engineer
Folkman, Steven
Utah State University, Professor of Mechanical & Aero Engineering
Full scale laboratory testing of culverts and numerical analysis techniques
Fontaine, Leo
Connecticut DOT, Transportation Principal Engineer
Arches, 3-sided box culverts and box culverts
Ford, Joy
Deleware DOT, Engineer
Buried culverts & structures
Forester, Dallas
Caltrans (California DOT), Culverts and U/G Senior Structures  Specialist
All underground structures
Frankhauser, Wayne
Maine DOT, Assistant Program Manager in Bridge Program
Reinforced concrete box culverts with shallow cover
Gardiner, Jeffrey
XCEED Engineering & Consulting P.C.,        Principal Engineer
Evaluation of in-situ rehabilitation products 
Gassman, Edward
Florida DOT, District Structures Maintenance Enginee r
Gettings, Michael
Delaware DOT, Project Engineer in Bridge Design
Gilley, Curtiss
Terrain Engineering, Inc., President
General, all areas

Gohlke, Henry

Corporate Development Consultants Culvert rehabilitation linings and soil mechanics  
Green, Jennifer
Florida DOT, Drainage Engineer
All areas especially pipe materials and shapes.
Greifzu, David
Illinois DOT, Chief of Engineering Support Services Unit
Box culverts
Groen, Gerry
KWH Pipe (Canada) Ltd. , Technical Services Manager
Thermoplastic culverts
Hammock, Ross
Florida DOT, Load Rating Engineer in Structures Maintenance
General, all culvert types
Harvey, Charlie
Florida DOT, Structures Design Professional Engineer III
General and concrete box culverts
Hasan, Mahmood
Colorado DOT, Team Leader Bridge Design & Management Branch
Design & rating of all types of culverts
Hashemieh, Mitra
Louisianna DOT, Engineer
Box Culvert, corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, and thermoplastic pipe
Hassan, Mo
Florida DOT, Assistant Structures Maintenance Engineer
Hastings, Jason
Delaware DOT, Project Manager in Bridge Design
Hilferding, Hida
RS&H, Bridge Engineer
Box and pipe-like culverts
Hincapie, German
CORPACERO - Armco Division, Colombia.
Project Manager
Soil-steel structures with corrugated structural steel plate in all shapes.
Humphreys, Becky
Ohio DOT, Roadway Hydraulic Engineer
Hundley, Chris
Tennessee DOT, Roadway Specialist Region 1
Hunter, Jeremy
RQAW Corporation, Senior Project Engineer
Buried reinforced concrete culvert load rating
Hurt, Steve
McCormick Taylor Inc, Senior Environmental Scientist
General, aquatic life passage, permitting 
Hutton, Charles
Hutton Consulting, Inc. President
Conduits under water retention and mining dams

Jing, Reagan

Minerals & Metals Toronto, Worley-Parsons Canada
Principal Structural Engineer
Corrugated metal plate, and soil–structure interaction analysis.  
Johnson, Steve
South Dakota DOT, Bridge Design Engineer
Concrete box culverts and long span high profile metal arches
Kang, Junsuk
Georgia Southern Univerisity
Full-time Instructor
General, all buried conduits
Katona, Michael
MGK-Consulting, consultant
All aspects of CANDE and modeling techniques. Seismic design
Keene, Robert
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.,  Staff – Structures
Kenst, John
Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers Inc, Transportation Manager
All culvert design information
Kester, James
KCI Technologies Inc, Senior Associate
Kieda, A. Paul
New York State DOT, Hydraulics Engineer Region 6
Kisic, Joseph
Lane Enterprises Inc, Sales Engineer
Design of steel and aluminum structural plate culverts 

Ko, Jason

WJE & Associates Inc. Engineer

jko@wje.com General, Arch Culverts  

Korff, Jon

Butler, Fairman & Seufert, Inc. Bridge Project Manager


Load rating buried structures.  
Kraut, Michael
 Pacific Roller Die Company, CMP Sales Engineer
Corrugated metal pipes and manufacturing
Krouse, William
Ohio DOT, Bridge Hydraulic Engineer (buried structures)
All structure types and hands on user training 
Krpan, John
The Odan/Detech Group Inc.
All culvert types, small bridge structures, and foundations.
Larson, David
Wisconsin DOT, Storm Water and Erosion Control Engineer
General – all culvert types
Lasiner, Nathalie
Tubecon, General Director
Leatherwood, Terry
Tennessee DOT, Civil Engineering Manager 1
All buried culverts especially concrete box culverts

Lefebvre, Paul

Michie Corporation
Engineering Manager

Precast RC culverts and 3-sided bridges 

Leibering, Justin
RQAW Corporation, Structural Engineer
Buried reinforced concrete culvert load rating 
Lesh, Jim
United Consulting
Design Engineer
Reinforced concrete and corrugated metal pipe culvert load rating.
Lim, Keng Wit
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Senior Staff 1 Senior Staff 1
Lorincz, Johnathan
CONTECH Construction Products, Senior Structural Design Engineer
Reinforced concrete, Long-span arches and Con/Span
Lundy, Joe
Hanson Pipe and Precast, Director of Structural Product Design
Reinforced concrete 3-sided flat top and arch structures
MacDonald, Luke
Dalhousie University (Halifax), Doctoral Student
Long-spans and  deeply corrugated soil-steel structures
Macioce, Tom
Pennsylvania DOT, Chief Bridge Engineer
Three-sided systems, plastic pipe, concrete pipe
Majboor, Mohammed
Florida DOT, Drainage Engineer District 2
Drainage design
Manousakis, Costas
Massachusetts DOT, Bridge Information systems engineer
Martin, Hugh
Hanson Pipe & Precast, Product Design Engineer
Reinforced concrete pipe, box & arches
McGriff¸ Don
ISCO Industries LLC, Director of Technical Design
Thermoplastic pipe and rehabilitation
McGrath, Timothy
Consultant.     Formerly  Principal at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
All aspects of CANDE and LRFD design methodology
Consultant, Civil Engineer
Delta Engineers, Director of Precast Concrete Services
Reinforced concrete, box culverts, three-sided frames
Miller, Beverly
Pennsylvania DOT, Civil Engineer Consultant
General, with emphasis on reinforced concrete pipe
Miller, Daniel
William A. Kibbe & Associates, Inc.,  President
All buried concrete structures
Miller, James
Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers, Design Engineer
General, all aspects of the CANDE program
Mlynarski, Mark
Michael Baker Jr Inc, Program manager
Graphical User Interface
Moore, Ian
Queens University (Canada), Professor of Civil Engineering
Combined experimental & analytical lab testing, trenchless technologies, and culvert rehabilitation.
Murphy, Michael
Ameron International
Reinforced concrete pipe
Nesvold, Jerry
Johnston Fargo Culvert Inc., Sales engineer
Steel Box culverts
Ngo, Te
Oklahoma DOT, Roadway Drainage Engineer
Nop, Michael
Iowa DOT, Transportation Engineer Specialist
Box culverts precast or CIP
Oppewall, Roy
CVAssociates, Engineering
Project Manager
Ottesen, Terje
Geosyntia AS, Managing Director
MP steel culverts, plastic pipe, helically corrugated steel pipe
Patterson, Charles
Virginia DOT, Standards Section Manager
Plummer, Randy
Tennessee DOT, Roadway Specialist in Design
Newbridge Civil Pty Ltd
Projects Director
Soil bridges, Corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, long-span arches, box culverts & pipe culverts
Price, Adam
Tennessee DOT, Structural Specialist Supervisor 1
Reinforced concrete box and slab culverts 

Quaglia, Paolo Francesco

Design Engineer  Tubosider SpA

pf.quaglia@tubosider.it Design of corrugated steel culverts  
Rahman, Atiqur
Canada Culvert
Senior  Design Engineer
Corrugated metal - long span arches and boxes, material intelligence, experimental studies
Ray, William
Louisiana DOT, Hydraulics Engineer
General (all areas of culverts)
Riechers, Kevin
Illinois DOT, Structural Standards Development Group Engineer
All aspects of buried culverts and structures and skewed alignments
Robert, Jeff
Maryland State Highway Administration, Structural Engineer
Rogers, Chris
University of Birmingham, Professor  Geotechnical Engineering
Thermoplastic pipe and generally flexible pipe soil-structure interaction. 
Ronnfeldt, Amy
Texas DOT, Chief Hydraulics Engineer
Rosario, Cardenas
 Reynolds Smith & Hills Inc, Drainage Engineer
Rowe, Paul
Kistner Concrete Products Inc, Director of Engineering
Reinforced concrete pipe, boxes and arches
Rushang, Dave
University of Manitoba, Canada, Graduate Research Assistant
Soil-steel bridges and rehabilitation.
Rzicznek, Michael
Lane Enterprises Inc, Product Engineer
Design of Steel and Aluminum Structural Plate Culverts


Saavedra, Denilson

Jacobs, Structural Engineer


Saeed, Sarah 
Bridge engineer
Saeed Associates, Chartered


Salas, Hernando
Corpacero S.A., Armco Division Director
Soil-steel structures with corrugated structural steel plate in all shapes
Schlicklin, Zack
Sanders Pre-Cast Concrete Systems, Inc.
Project Engineer
Reinforced concrete pipe, boxes and arches
Selladurai, Ahilan
AECOM Transportation, Bridge Design Engineer
Box culverts, Bottomless culverts, and LRFD analysis
Silagyi, Jerome
Lane Enterprises Inc, Manager of Technical Services
Thermoplastic pipe and corrugated metal culvert of all sizes and shapes
Sharifi, Hossein
University of KentuckyGraduate Student
Computational Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, FEA
Sims, Jeff
Lochner, Senior Hydraulic Design Engineer

Sims, Michael

Point Four Engineering and Technological Services, Principal pointfour@mpinet.net Analysis of concrete, steel and plastic pipe   

Smith, Robert

University of Texas at Arlington, Professor of Civil Engineering  itdoctor10@gmail.com Numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction, modeling of cracks & inelastic behavior  
Sogge, Bob
Arch-Span Culverts, Consultant
Finite element analysis of buried r/c arch culverts (12 to 50 ft span)
Strohman, Bryan
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc,.Staff II – Structures
Corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, thermoplastic pipe, long span arches, box culverts
Stuhff, Denis
Utah DOT, Senior Hydraulic Engineer
General and culvert slip-lining and rehabilitation
Suleiman, Muhannad
Lehigh University, Assistant Professor
General and research-type interest
Sun, Charlie
University of Kentucky, Senior Research Engineer
Szewcik, Mark
Washington State DOT, Bridge Construction Support Engineer
Reinforced Concrete
Tabor, Vincent
Lin Engineering, Ltd.
Structural Engineer
Reinforced concrete box culverts, thermoplastic pipe culverts
Tan, Shu
Massachusetts DOT, Civil Engineer in Design Unit
General application of CANDE software and design examples
Taylor, Mark
CONTECH Construction Products Inc, Area Technical Director
General, including buried culverts of all types
Taylor, Michael
Nevada DOT, Senior Structures Engineer

Teachey, Rick

CBC Engineers, Staff Engineer rickteachey@cbceng.com

General culvert design and analysis

Tejada, Raul A.
GSG Consultants, Inc. Project Engineer
Analysis and design of bridges and overweight permitting.
Thekkekara, Robin
Atlantic Civil Products, Design Engineer
Corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, long-span arches, box culverts, pipe culverts
Theodor, Nicolas
Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Head Standards Engineer for Bridge Office
Open footing and box concrete culverts.
Thomure, Jeff
CH2M Hill, structural engineer
General- all areas of interest. Emphasis on load-rating
Thurber, Pamela
Vermont Agency of Transportation, Bridge Management and Inspection Engineer
Analysis and load rating of buried culverts and structures
Toliver, Tim
Advanced Pipe Services, President
Structural analysis of corrugated metal, reinforced concrete and thermoplastic pipe and arches
Tovtin, Brad
Lane Enterprises Inc, Design Engineer
Design of steel and aluminum structural plate culverts
Vaia, Lynne
CONTECH Construction Products, Manager - Precast Bridges
General, reinforced concrete, special shapes and soil materials
Van der Nest, Darryl
Water Corporation, Western Australia, Senior Engineer.
Re-lining, long span arches, thermoplastics, (compare with CandeCAD)
Vaslestad, Jan
Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Professor and Chief Engineer of Norwegian Public Roads 
General, corrugated metal, thermoplastic, imperfect ditch culverts
Vila, Luis
GM2 Associates, Inc.
Structural Engineer
Design & rating of all types of culverts
Von Handorf, Jeff
Structure Sight LLC, Partner (Consultant)
Long-span arches, box culverts, specialty r/c structures
Wampler, Danny
Indiana DOT, Load Rating Engineer
Arches and box culverts 
Pennsylvania DOT, Civil Engineer Consultant for Bridges
LRFD design of buried concrete arch structure
Wasniak, Daniel
Contech Construction Products Inc, Engineering Manager
Corrugated metal, reinforced concrete, and long span arches 

Watral, Robert
Pennsylvania DOT, Sr. Bridge Engineer
General, box culverts, thermoplastic pipe
Watson Engineering, PC Design Engineer
General, concrete culverts & pipes
Webb, Mark
Scurlock Industries of Springfield, Engineer
Box culverts, pipe, and three-sided bridge structures
Webb, Mark C
Senior Technical Leader
Pipeline Design & Condition Assessment
Soil-structure interaction, gravity & pressure pipes, buried bridges, soil properties & testing, liners, CANDE and CandeCAD         
Wehrum, Kate
CONTECH Construction Products, Design Engineer
Reinforced concrete
White, Kevin
E.L. Robinson Engineering of Ohio, Manager Water Resources Group
Structural mechanics of buried pipes, soil behavior, and load relief by relative stiffness.
Whitehouse, Mike
ISCO Industries LLC, Design & Technical Support
Rehabilitated composite pipe system burial analysis
Wight, Michael 
Maine DOT, Senior Structural Designer in Bridge Program
GG General
Williams, Cassandra
Foley Products Company, Civil Engineer
Reinforced concrete, arch culvert, box culvert
Williams, John                   
Baskerville Donovan, Inc.  Sr. Structural Engineer
General interest
Williams, Kevin
Atlantic Industries Ltd., Senior Design Engineer
Corrugated steel, long spans arches and deep corrugations.
Wolfe, Marvin
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, TE Specialist in Structural Design
General interest as Member of AASHTO SCOBS T-13 Culverts Committee
Yannotti, Arthur
New York State DOT, Deputy Chief Engineer for Structures

Zahawi, Benan  

Stantec Consulting
Senior Structural Engineer  
 bzahawi@stantec.com  FE Analysis, and all Buried Structures